The Chair

Based on the Alterna Comics graphic novel of the same name, THE CHAIR follows the story of Richard Sullivan, a man on death row, struggling to escape...

Starring: Bill Oberst Jr., Roddy Piper, Noah Hathaway, Zach Galligan, Naomi Grossman, Timothy Muskatell, Ezra Buzzington, Derrick Damions, Kyle Hester, Kin Shriner, Susan Eisenberg, Jacob Banser, John Siciliano, Robert Rhine, Tomas Boykin
Genre: Crime, Horror, Thriller
Countries: USA
Directors: Chad Ferrin
Release Date: October 31, 2017
Runtime: 1h 24min
IMDb Rating: The Chair (2017) on IMDb

3.57/5 - (7 Votes)

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